Fellowship Maneuvers / Conjunctions table


Here is a [ printable version ] which you can keep nearby while playing without having to browse around.
Open it, then go to 'File - Print...' in your browser. In Opera, you may need to go to 'File - Print Options' and uncheck 'Fit to Paper Width' in order to have the longer maneuvers properly printed.
(I adopted the idea of a print version and the numbering from Luthien's adaptation of my table. Thanks for the good ideas.)

No numbers are given, the amount of damage/healing done depending on player level.

  • DD (Direct Damage) is single-targeted if not mentioned otherwise. In some higher rank maneuvers, Red will result in AoE DD with a 10 m radius (AoE = Area of Effect).
  • A DoT (Damage over Time) does more overall damage than DD but needs a sufficient amount of time to become effective. Note that DoTs are always single-targeted. In some higher rank maneuvers, Yellow will debuff the target after 15 seconds (reducing combat and movement speed and draining power).
  • A HoT (Heal over Time) in a maneuver always applies to the morale of the whole group, regardless of whether a person has actually participated or not. In higher ranking maneuvers, Green can heal wounds and cleanse fear effects.
  • PR (Power Regeneration) is always instant, there is no such thing as a PRoT. PR also applies to every group member regardless of participation. In higher ranking maneuvers, Blue can summon an Oathbreaker spirit.

Every colour does something for the player who contributes it. Players contributing Green or Blue will get a smaller heal or power boost, Red and Yellow will do damage, even if no maneuver is achieved. Yet, if the colour is part of a valid maneuver, the whole fellowship will get a HoT or PR.
Normal individual effects will not be mentioned expressly for each conjunction, therefore HoT here always means a group heal over time and PR always means a group power restoration.

Pairs must sit in positions 1+2, 3+4, or 5+6 to be effective. Two Blues in positions 2+3, e.g., are worthless.

[ 2 player conjunctions ] - [ 3 player conjunctions ] - [ 4 player conjunctions ] - [ 5 player conjunctions ] - [ 6 player conjunctions ]

Name Sequence Effects Ingame description Number
2 player conjunctions
Pairs only [ To top ]
Clash of Arms RotRot DD You and your fellow smash your target as if caught between a hammer and anvil. 1
Misdirection YellowYellow DoT, first contributor strikes harder Working together with a fellow you both are able to cause deep wounds in your target. 2
Rallying Cry GreenGreen HoT You and your fellow let out a piercing rallying cry invigorating yourselves and all other fellowship members around you. 3
Planned Attack BlauBlau PR Your superior coordination with your fellow energizes you both. 4
3 player conjunctions
Flush [ To top ]
Resounding Strikes RotRotRot DD Striking together you and your fellows tear your target asunder. 5
Deception YellowYellowYellow DoT, first contributor strikes harder Working together with your fellows you all are able to cause deep wounds in your target. The initial contributor will cause a deep wound. 6
Mustering of the Troops GreenGreenGreen HoT You and your fellow let out a piercing rallying cry invigorating yourselves and all other fellowship members around you. 7
Three pronged Assault BlauBlauBlau PR Your superior coordination with your fellows energizes you all. 8
Straight [ To top ]
Wrath of the Righteous RotGreenYellow Slash
DD + HoT + DoT Working with your fellows you are able to crush and wound your target while also rallying your fellowship members. 9
Sinister Plan YellowBlauRot Slash
DoT + PR + DD Working with your fellows you are able to slash and wound your target while also energizing your fellowship members. 10
Will of the Strong GreenYellowBlau Slash
HoT + DoT + PR Working with your fellows you are able to wound your target while also rallying and energizing your fellowship members. 11
Strength of the Pure BlauRotGreen Slash
PR + DD + HoT Working with your fellows you are able to crush your target while also rallying and energizing your fellowship members. 12
4 player conjunctions
Flush [ To top ]
Hail of Blows RotRotRotRot DD Striking together you and your fellows tear your target asunder. 13
Chaos in the Ranks YellowYellowYellowYellow DoT, first contributor strikes harder Working together with your fellows you all are able to cause deep wounds in your target. The initial contributor will cause a particularly nasty wound. 14
Call to Arms GreenGreenGreenGreen HoT You and your fellows let out a piercing rallying cry invigorating yourselves and all other fellowship members around you. 15
Power in Numbers BlauBlauBlauBlau PR Your superior coordination with your fellows energizes you all. 16
2 Pair
More powerful than a Flush, in fact the effects of two length 4 Flushes are almost added together.

[ To top ]
Pounding Echoes RotRotYellowYellow Slash
DD + DoT Your fellowship's pounding blows echo in the distance and your foes new wounds are great. 17
Ent's Heart RotRotGreenGreen Slash
DD + HoT With an Ent's resilience and strength, your fellowship crushes your target as they rally back. 18
Silent Glory YellowYellowGreenGreen Slash
DoT + HoT Your fellowship's silent wound and worthy glory rally everyone. 19
Planned Charge RotRotBlauBlau Slash
DD + PR With a well planned charge, your fellowship crushes the enemy while being energized. 20
Deadly Whispers YellowYellowBlauBlau Slash
DoT + PR Your fellowship's deadly whispers herald a deep wound in your foe and an energizing triumph. 21
Noble Lineage BlauBlauGreenGreen Slash
PR + HoT Like ancient nobles, your fellowship is able to crush your target while also rallying everyone's morale. 22
In a Straight length 4, the first color determines the bonus of the maneuver.

[ To top ]
Ent's Stand RotGreenYellowBlau Slash
strong DD + DoT + HoT + PR Like an Ent pooling all resources, your fellowship can crush and wound your target while also rallying and energizing all. 23
Silent Path YellowBlauRotGreen Slash
strong DoT + DD + HoT + PR Working with your fellows you are able to crush and wound your target while also rallying and energizing your fellowship members 24
Eagle's Eyrie GreenYellowBlauRot Slash
strong HoT + PR + DD + DoT The power of great eagles in their eyries is matched by your fellowship as you crush and wound your target while rallying and energizing all. 25
Noble's Honor BlauRotGreenYellow Slash
strong PR + HoT + DD + DoT With a true noble's honour your fellowship is able to crush and wound your target while also rallying and energizing all. 26
5 player conjunctions
Full House
A Full House can either damage or heal, not both at the same time, so the only viable combinations are red/yellow and blue/green.
Other combinations will only count as Two Pair.

[ To top ]
Ent's Rage RotRotRotYellowYellow Slash
AoE DD + DoT With an Ent's strength and with your fellowship's blows, crush and wound your foe. 27
Whispering Leaves YellowYellowYellowRotRot Slash
strong DoT + DD Working with your fellows you are able to crush and wound your target. 28
Pure of Heart GreenGreenGreenBlauBlau Slash
strong HoT + PR The pure of heart fear no foe and your fellowship can rally and energize in the midst of any battle. 29
Noble Blood BlauBlauBlauGreenGreen Slash
strong PR + HoT Like those of true noble blood, your fellowship rallies and energizes from all past loss. 30
In a Straight length 5, the repeated colour (first and last one) determines the bonus of the maneuver.

[ To top ]
Entish Justice RotGreenYellowBlauRot Slash
AoE DD + DoT + HoT + PR Justice of the Ents does not rest with a single foe. 31
Leaves of Lothlorien YellowBlauRotGreenYellow Slash
Very strong DoT and timed debuff + DD + HoT + PR Swirling like the leaves of Lothlorien, your fellowship strikes from all sides, leaving wounds that slow while rallying and energizing all. 32
Valour Unashamed GreenYellowBlauRotGreen Slash
very strong HoT + DD + DoT + PR
Healing includes removal of fear effects.
Your fellowship crushes and wounds your target with unashamed valour, which removes fear, restores morale and energizes all. 33
Wrath of the Oathbreakers BlauRotGreenYellowBlau Slash
DD + DoT + HoT + PR
Blue players get an Oathbreaker spirit each which helps them by attacking their target.
Your fellowship strikes with such wounding wrath as to summon an Oathbreaker to assist you even as you rally and energize all. 34
6 player conjunctions
2 Triples
These count as an extended Full House. For the full effect, only red/yellow and blue/green combinations are viable.

[ To top ]
Tramp of Doom RotRotRotYellowYellowYellow Slash
strong AoE DD + strong DoT Your fellowship tramples your foes, inflicting deep wounds. 35
- BlauBlauBlauGreenGreenGreen Slash
This maneuver should give a strong HoT + strong PR, but appears not to be implemented. 36
Flush + 1 [ To top ]
Break the Door RotRotRotRotRotYellow strong AoE DD + DoT Your fellowship's fury cripples your foe and crushes all nearby enemies. 37
Hew the Stone RotRotRotRotRotBlau strong AoE DD + PR
Blue player gets an Oathbreaker spirit which helps them by attacking their target.
Your fellows hew into your foes like masons on stone, energizing each other and drawing forth an Oathbreaker shade to fight for you. 38
Roll the Drums RotRotRotRotRotGreen strong AoE DD + HoT The rolling drum of your fellowships blows on your foe and causes pain to nearby foes and hope to flourish in your ranks, removing fear and wounds. 39
In a Straight length 6, the repeated colours (first and last two) determine the boni of the maneuver.

[ To top ]
Thunder of the Oakenshield RotGreenYellowBlauRotGreen Slash
very strong AoE DD + very strong HoT + DoT + PR
Healing includes removal of all fear and wound effects.
A truly flawless display of fellowship coordination, all fear and wounds are removed as all enemies are crushed. 40
Wings of the Windlord BlauRotGreenYellowBlauRot Slash
very strong AoE DD + DoT + HoT + PR
Blue players get a Greater Oathbreaker spirit each which helps them by attacking their target.
A truly flawless display of fellowship coordination, two oathbreakers are summoned as all enemies are crushed. 41
Whispers Under the Mountain GreenYellowBlauRotGreenYellow Slash
very strong HoT + very strong DoT with timed debuff + DD + PR
Healing includes removal of all fear and wound effects.
A truly flawless display of fellowhip coordination, all fear and wounds are removed as your target is heavily disabled. 42
Dawn on the Deep YellowBlauRotGreenYellowBlau Slash
very strong DoT with timed debuff + DD + HoT + PR
Blue players get a Greater Oathbreaker spirit each which helps them by attacking their target.
A truly flawless display of fellowhip coordination, two oathbreakers are summoned as your target is heavily disabled. 43
Unique [ To top ]
March of Ents GreenRotRotRotRotBlau AoE DD + PR + HoT
Blue player gets a Greater Oathbreaker spirit which helps them by attacking their target.
Like the nigh unstoppable march of the Ents, your fellowship rallies and energizes as they crush your foes. 44
Chill of Bone GreenYellowYellowYellowYellowBlau very strong DoT with timed debuff + PR + HoT
Healing includes removal of all fear and wound effects.
Blue player gets a Greater Oathbreaker spirit which helps them by attacking their target.
Your fellowships strikes deep, bone chilling wounds on your foe, rallying and energizing each other as they fight. 45
Breath of Freedom BlauRotYellowYellowRotBlau strong PR + AoE-DD + strong DoT with timed debuff
Blue players get a Greater Oathbreaker spirit each which helps them by attacking their target.
Hope of Men GreenYellowRotRotYellowGreen very strong HoT + strong DoT with timed debuff + AoE-DD
Healing includes removal of all fear and wound effects.

Be careful not to target flashed/mezzed mobs.

Please mail any corrections or addenda, I will gladly build them in.

Special thanks go to the Lotro-Wiki and particularly Beleg and The Conjunction Junction people and everyone who helped discussing and experimenting, including Ves, my favourite hobbit burglar, and my guildies Maradur, Elrinnt, and Truk who helped with checking the German maneuver names. Also to the herd of aurochs that gave their lives for science's sake in the process.


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Contact: brandie.bele@gmail.com